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Ek Archery Cobra R9 Deluxe számszeríj csomag

Ek Archery Cobra R9 Deluxe számszeríj csomag

Cikkszám: EZP-CBR-R9-D

This crossbow from EK ARCHERY combines the best aspects of both a pistol and a traditional recurve crossbow to make the R9 Cobra one of the most versatile crossbows on the market today. The Deluxe version of the Cobra R9 comes complete with 6x7.5" Carbon Bolts, String Wax, Goggles, a Single Position Red Dot Sight, Shoulder Sling, Sight Simple Foregrip and AR stock with Buffer Tube. This fast handling carbine style crossbow will produce muzzle velocities of around 240 fps with 7.5" carbon bolts, almost double the kinetic energy of traditional pistol crossbows. 

The 90lb limbs of the Cobra are easily removed and reinstalled allowing the crossbows to be carried and stored. This ease of disassembly also complies with law requirements that crossbows must be rendered "non-functional" during transportation. The Cobra also features an AR style sliding stock that enables the crossbow to be comfortable for shooters of all sizes. The Cobra is fitted with a multitude of accessory rails that is perfect for sights lasers or other attachments.

Ek-PoeLang Cobra R9 Deluxe Package

  • Color: Black
  • Speed: 240fps 
  • Draw Weight: 90 font
  • Power Stroke: 7.5"
  • Weight: 8.1 font
  • Lenght: 52 cm
  • Width: 47 cm
  • Package Content: 6 pcs 7.5" carbon bolts, wax, safety glasses, sling, AR15 style buttstock, vertical grip, tactical flashlight, Red Dot
  • Manufacturer: Ek-Archery Taiwan

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