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Exe Scream ILF vadászreflex középrész - 17"

Exe Scream ILF vadászreflex középrész - 17"

Cikkszám: EXE-SCRM-R17

The Scream riser was previously only available in 17" length and in black. Now the line is available in:

3 lengths: 17" - 19" - 21" and this in colour black.

The Scream is a high quality machined aluminium centre section with an elegant, deflex design.

The Scream is perfect for 3D and hunting use. Short and handy for use in the woods with ILF connection and therefore suitable for all limbs on the market with ILF connection, no matter if cheap or high quality limb.

Length table from the combination of riser and limbs:

using the short throwing limbs: 58" - 60" or 62".

using the medium throwing limbs: 60" - 62" or 64".

using the long limbs: 62" - 64" or 66".

A very nice riser at a unique price.

Complete with threaded holes for: Sight and/or quiver, also included in delivery is a mountable plastic support block as shelf variant.

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