Lee Precision Deluxe 4 matrica szett - 45 ACP
Cikkszám: LEE-DIES4-45
Lee Precision 4 Deluxe Die Set - 45 ACP
Set includes Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Powder Thru Expanding Die, Carbide Factory Crimp Die, Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data Carbide Factory Crimp Die allows you to separate the bullet seating from the crimping operation - It makes setup much easier and the die has the added feature of a carbide resizer that does a finish sizing pass on the completed round 50 Beowolf contains a STEEL sizing die and STEEL taper crimp die NOT a factory crimp die. 50 Beowolf does not come with the powder dipper or load data
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