Loadbooks USA Loadbook - 45-70 Government
LOADBOOKS USA Loadbook - 45-70 Government
Loadbooks make excellent reference books for seasoned reloaders, or great primers for newcomers. These easy-to-understand and wellorganized reloading manuals cover most calibers for pistols and rifles, as well as popular shotgun shell sizes— including .410, 28, 20, and 12 gauges. You'll get up-to-date, accurate, and unabridged information from major US bullet and powder manufactures, including Accurate, Alliant, Hodgdon, Hornady, IMR, Lyman, Nosler, RCBS, Sierra, Speer, Winchester, and others. These money-saving manuals cover essential information on such subjects as lead and jacketed bullets; various bullet designs; proven and tested loads for rifled slugs, trap, skeet, sporting clays; lead shot for upland hunting; steel shot for waterfowl hunting; buckshot and blanks; and the various powders used for the specific calibers/gauges you want to load. Printed on heavyweight paper and spiral bound, these manuals will lay flat on your workbench.
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