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MDT Folding Stock Adapter behajtható válltámasz adapter - C2C

MDT Folding Stock Adapter behajtható válltámasz adapter - C2C

Cikkszám: MDT-FLDG-SA
222,00€ Szokásos ár
111,00€Akciós ár

MDT Folding Stock Adapter - 1 Way Lock Carbine-to-Carbine 

Gives You All the Benefits of a Folding Stock - Without Sacrificing Accuracy

Compatible with most bolt-action rifle chassis that have an AR-style fixed or carbine interface, MDT’s Universal Folding Stock Adapter provides shooters with more compactness for storage and transport, plus greater buttstock choice. The 1-Way Lock maintains solid, straight-line integrity when shooting while the 2-Way Lock provides the additional convenience of the stock being held securely in the folded position. MDT’s Universal Folding Stock Adapter has a solid interface and will not allow a bolt to pass through - check your rifle configuration for compatibility. Not compatible with MDT TAC21 or ESS chassis. All steel locking mechanism Available in 1-way or a 2-way locking configuration Use with your existing buttstock MDT’s Universal Folding Stock Adapter boasts an incredibly tough locking mechanism, with extreme rigidity, ensuring you a stable shooting platform.

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