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MTM 50 darabos sörétes lőszer tartó doboz - 12 kaliber

MTM 50 darabos sörétes lőszer tartó doboz - 12 kaliber

Cikkszám: MTM-SF-50-12-09
29,99€ Szokásos ár
15,00€Akciós ár

MTM Shotshell Case 50 Round - 12 Gauge

The Case-Gard SF-50’s all hold 50 shotshells with a space for duck or goose calls, choke tubes, etc. The lid of the SF-50-12 & 20 has five shell holders for quick access to cripple loads. Dust and moisture resistant carrier features a Snap-Lock latch, fold down handle, and a textured finish.

SF-50-12-09 12 Ga. Up to 3"

Note: A 10 Ga. goose hunter called and told us that he is able to fit 10 Ga. shotshells in our SF-50-12-09. We tried some Winchesters and some Federals. They are tight, with no rattle and since he liked it so much, we thought we would tell you about it. Fired shells will not be able to fit back into the case and the shell holders on the top does not hold the five 10 ga. shells.



12 Ga. Up to 3"

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