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Pachmayr revolver 5 gyorstöltő - Smith & Wesson J Frame

Pachmayr revolver 5 gyorstöltő - Smith & Wesson J Frame

Cikkszám: PCHMYR-692000042

Pachmayr Revolver Speedloader - Smith & Wesson J Frame

Reload With Speed and Precision

The Pachmayr Speed Loader is a must-have accessory for any Smith & Wesson revolver aficionado, allowing them to reload their wheelguns with an unprecedented level of speed and precision. The Pachmayr Speed Loader are built to withstand nearly anything, thanks to its all-aluminum construction. The loaders are machined with an external polygonal shape, which is optimized to minimize their external dimensions, ensuring that they won't butt up against the frame of a revolver. Operates with easy-to-use twist-release knob Capacity: 5 rounds Designed for competition use The Pachmayr Speed Loader is available for Smith & Wesson J-Frame.

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