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Litosphere Slim Line Bamboo faoptikás karbon vesszőtest - 800

Litosphere Slim Line Bamboo faoptikás karbon vesszőtest - 800

Cikkszám: PNTTMBRSL-400
7,90€ Szokásos ár
3,95€Akciós ár



Shaft | LithoSPHERE Traditional - Carbon - Wood Optics

With the Lithosphere, SPHERE has brought an absolute secret point onto the market that is no longer so secret today. The high quality has been recognized and the LithoSPHERE shafts have become the first choice for numerous shooters. Especially traditional shooters appreciate the excellent characteristics of the shafts and the deceptively authentic and very convincing wood optic.

SPHERE guarantees high straightness of ±0.004" and weight tolerance of 0 grain within the purchased quantity for the custom-made arrows.

With a wide range of spin values of 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000 and 1300 every shooter will find the right arrow.


Technical data:
Material: Carbon
Length: selectable

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