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Phase 5 Tactical M-LOK Mini Handstop

Phase 5 Tactical M-LOK Mini Handstop

Cikkszám: PHS5-100036022
84,50€ Szokásos ár
42,25€Akciós ár

Phase 5 Tactical M-LOK Mini Handstop

Get a Grip On Your Rifle

The Phase 5 Mini Hand Stop is a simple accessory that attaches to your rail and helps you index your support hand while shooting. The Phase 5 Mini Hand Stop features the M-LOK mounting system, which means it will easily attach to any M-LOK compatible rail system. The Phase 5 Mini Hand Stop is machined from a solid lightweight 6061-T6 aluminum billet. Weight: 0.5 ounces Length: 2.125 inches Width: 0.60 inches Color: Black The Phase 5 Mini Hand Stop can be mounted in forward or reverse, allowing the shooter to use either a push or pull grip.

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