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Redding Big Boss Pro-Pak Deluxe lőszerújratöltő szett

Redding Big Boss Pro-Pak Deluxe lőszerújratöltő szett

Cikkszám: REDD-749008438
1 386,00€Ár

Redding Big Boss Pro-Pak Deluxe Reloading Kit

This kit includes the following items: - Big Boss Reloading Press (one of the favorites among many reloaders at Sinclair) - Model 2 Powder and Bullet Scale (one of the most accurate balance beam scales in reloading) - Powder Trickler - One of the most heavy duty ones available - Pad Style Case Lube Kit (includes lube and pad) -Case mouth deburring tool (chamfers and deburs) - Powder funnel - Hodgdon Annual Reloading Magazine - Model #3BR Powder Measure (throws 5 to 100 grains) - Model 1400XT Case trimming lathe - includes universal collet that fits most popular cases and six of the most common caliber pilots (.22, 6mm, .270, 7mm, and .30 caliber)

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