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Redding Premium Deluxe Die Set matrica szett - 30-06 Springfield

Redding Premium Deluxe Die Set matrica szett - 30-06 Springfield

Cikkszám: REDD-749015931

Redding Premium Deluxe Die Set - 30-06 Springfield

The Redding Premium Deluxe rifle die sets are an upgraded die set for reloaders looking for added precision. The upgrades include a Carbide Size button in the full length sizing die, making resizing smooth and effortless. The set also comes with Redding’s Bullet Seating Micrometer on the seating dies, allowing for incremental adjustment of the bullet seating depth. This dies set includes a Full Length sizing die with Carbide sizing button, Bullet Micrometer Seating Die, and standard Neck Sizing Die.


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